Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Rahul Gundecha

Hi everyone,
I am Rahul Gundecha.

(first of all thanks to Chetan for appreciating and executing the idea.
And also thanks for citing me with my brainchild :D )

I am from Ahmednagar (Maharashtra State). I was in pune for completing B.E. (Bachelor of Engineering) in I.T. (Information Technology) from Vishwakarma Institute Of Technology, Pune.
Then for a year, I worked in Mahindra British Telecom, Pune. I was involved in development work on open source java technologies like struts, hibernate (and also little bit of ofbiz, spring...).

& now I am in IIT Bombay (in Aamachi Mumbai) doing M.Tech. in Computer Science and Engineering. I joined here in July 2006.

About my one year stay in IIT, I have lot many things to say... This is really great place to be in. I met many excellent people in the field of Computer Science. You can go through list of professors and students herein IIT bombay. Being an IITian is experience of lifetime and I am very HaPpY to be a part of it.

In this one year I done some (mini?) projects for the courses(/subjects) I registered for. Usually we have a project or a termpaper or a seminar or combination of these things in each of the course. I will just briefly list out the projects I done.
(course name - project name)
1) Performance Evaluation of Computer Systems and Networks - Study of Prioritized Treatment of Specific OSPF Version 2 Packets. coding in C
Implementation techniques in DBMS - Query de-correlation for PostGreSql. coding in C
3) QOS In Networks - Simulation of RED for TCP traffic. coding in C++
QOS In Networks - Term paper on Admission Control in 802.11e
Embedded Systems - Developed kernel patch to rtlinux for "Handling Sporadic Tasks in Off-line Scheduled Distributed Real-Time Systems". coding in C.
6) R&D project - “Measurement-based Evaluation of Virtualization Platforms”.
Virtualization Platform used is open source solution xen.
Apart from this, there were some assignments (~ mini-projects), seminars in many of the courses. And I had nice experience of being Teaching Assistant for the course
Computer Programming & Utilization which involved guiding and evaluating a batch of 22 students for C, C++ stuff.I will end up this technical stuff herein, will continue later..

In all its a hectic life here, but really cooooool :) I am truely Njoying my 2 year stay in this heaven.

I guess this is all I wanna say,
(for some personal details you can visit my page)

thanks for reading :P

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey, thanks for sharing such valuable information, your experience (good/bad, whatever...) in IIT with us.
This will be helpful for those who want to be part of it especially list of professors and course-projects.

So keep sharing your "hectic/coooool" experiences with us.